© New Hope Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church 2011-2016
New Hope Fellowship FWB Church Pastor Jim Christian 4650 State Road 524 Cocoa, Florida 32926 Brevard County Phone: 321-632-1911 Email: nhffwbc1@bellsouth.net
The best hosted by  Webnet77
Last Updated  April 29 2016
Ready, Set, Grow! Four Essentials to                 Spiritual Growth.
Four Essentials to Spiritual Growth Are you a brand new follower of Christ,  wondering where to get started on your journey? Here are four essential steps to move you forward toward spiritual growth. Though simple, they are vital to building your relationship with the Lord. STEP 1 ~ Read your Bible daily Find a Bible reading plan that is right for you. A plan will keep you from missing anything God has written in His word.Also, if you follow the plan, you will be on your way to reading through the Bible once every year!The easiest way to truly “grow up” in the faith is to make Bible study a priority in your life. “as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby”  (1 Peter 2:2) STEP 2 ~ Attend church services regularly The Bible encourages us to meet together regularly with other believers (Hebrews 10:25). This is also fundamental to spiritual growth.  To help you in your search, try following these tips: If you don’t know where to begin looking for a church, ask people you know who already attend church. Friends, co-workers, or people you admire are a good place to start when looking for a church.  Visit a church at least 3 times before making a decision either way.  Don’t try to change a church. Most of them are set in their mission. There are so many different ones out there to choose from, it’s best to just find one that’s  a good  “fit”   for you.  Remember, there is no perfect church. STEP 3 ~ Pray daily Prayer is simply talking to God. And just like any other important person in your life, God wants to hear from you! You don’t have to use big fancy words.  There are no right and wrong words.  Just be yourself.  Give thanks to the Lord daily for your salvation.  Pray for others in need.  Pray for direction.  Pray for the Lord to fill you daily with His Holy Spirit. Pray for opportunities to witness to others.  There is no limit to prayer. You can pray with your eyes open or closed, while sitting or standing, kneeling or lying in bed, anywhere, anytime.  But the thing to remember is to pray daily.  And contrary to belief, prayer is not easy. You are humbling yourself before God.  Prayer takes discipline.  Make a commitment to spend time alone with God every day. STEP 4 ~ Get involved Most churches offer study groups and many ministry opportunities. Pray and ask God where you should ”plug in”    It’s the people who really get  “plugged in”  that find their purpose and soar in their walk with the Lord. After all, we weren’t saved to be served, we were saved to serve. Sometimes this takes a little time, but most churches offer classes or counseling to help you find the place that’s right for you. Don’t get discouraged if the first thing you try doesn’t seem to fit. “Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works”   (James 2: 18) What do people tend to pay attention to most?  What you say, or what you do?
© New Hope Fellowship FWB Church 2011-2016
The best hosted by  Webnet77
Last Updated  April 29 2016

New Hope Fellowship FWB Church

Pastor Jim Christian 4650 State Road 524 Cocoa, Florida Brevard County Phone:  321-632-1911 Email:  nhffwbc1@bellsouth.net
Ready, Set, Grow! Four Essentials to                 Spiritual Growth.
Four Essentials to Spiritual Growth Are you a brand new follower of Christ,  wondering where to get started on your journey? Here are four essential steps to move you forward toward spiritual growth. Though simple, they are vital to building your relationship with the Lord. STEP 1 ~ Read your Bible daily Find a Bible reading plan that is right for you. A plan will keep you from missing anything God has written in His word.Also, if you follow the plan, you will be on your way to reading through the Bible once every year!The easiest way to truly “grow up” in the faith is to make Bible study a priority in your life. “as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby”   (1 Peter 2:2) STEP 2 ~ Attend church services regularly The Bible encourages us to meet together regularly with other believers (Hebrews 10:25). This is also fundamental to spiritual growth.  To help you in your search, try following these tips: If you don’t know where to begin looking for a church, ask people you know who already attend church. Friends, co-workers, or people you admire are a good place to start when looking for a church.  Visit a church at least 3 times before making a decision either way.  Don’t try to change a church. Most of them are set in their mission. There are so many different ones out there to choose from, it’s best to just find one that’s  a good  “fit”   for you.  Remember, there is no perfect church. STEP 3 ~ Pray daily Prayer is simply talking to God. And just like any other important person in your life, God wants to hear from you! You don’t have to use big fancy words.  There are no right and wrong words.  Just be yourself.  Give thanks to the Lord daily for your salvation.  Pray for others in need.  Pray for direction.  Pray for the Lord to fill you daily with His Holy Spirit. Pray for opportunities to witness to others.  There is no limit to prayer. You can pray with your eyes open or closed, while sitting or standing, kneeling or lying in bed, anywhere, anytime.  But the thing to remember is to pray daily.  And contrary to belief, prayer is not easy. You are humbling yourself before God.  Prayer takes discipline.  Make a commitment to spend time alone with God every day. STEP 4 ~ Get involved Most churches offer study groups and many ministry opportunities. Pray and ask God where you should ”plug in”    It’s the people who really get  “plugged in”  that find their purpose and soar in their walk with the Lord. After all, we weren’t saved to be served, we were saved to serve. Sometimes this takes a little time, but most churches offer classes or counseling to help you find the place that’s right for you. Don’t get discouraged if the first thing you try doesn’t seem to fit. “Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works”   (James 2: 18) What do people tend to pay attention to most?  What you say, or what you do?